2016년 10월 14일 금요일

Time Loop on Groundhog Day

The film Groundhog Day(사랑의 블랙홀)

Time loop on Groundhog Day

  Have you ever imagined to be trapped in a time loop at one place? Most people might think about going back to the past sometimes because some of their days were not perfect in their mind. However, what would happen if someone repeats his day for uncountable years in one area? Phil Connors who is the main character in the film spend his interminable Groundhog day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The one spot, Punxsutawney, is the most important element in the movie because it shows that how a man's life is being changed.

  Even though there are few events in Punxsutawney in the beginning of the film, they directly shows what kind of personality does phil originally have. Phil Connors is an arrogant and selfish weatherman and also thinks that he is a talented person. After arriving at the village, Punxsutawney, he meets the man who was one of his classmates in high school, but Phil is not exactly pleased to see him because he is not a important person to him. Moreover, Phil ignores a homeless who need help and does not respect his colleagues. All of these events can only happen in Punxsutawney because if  Phil did not go to the town, he could not meet his classmate and beggar.

  In the middle of the film, Phil is aware of the repetition of his day and does whatever he wants to do because his day is only repeated on February 2 in limited area, Punxsutawney. Phil steals bank money and buys a expensive car, drives drunk, experiences the police chase and seduces several women. These events could not occur in his normal life and also he might never think about doing such things in real life. However, if it is a kind of situation that the date has not changed, but the place is not limited, Phil could not do easily something he wants to do. The reason is that he can know everything such as what could happen in the town because he is in the limited area.

  However, if the day is repeated so many times and everything becomes boring, it is easy to sink into a deeper depression. This situation happens to Phil and he tries to break the time loop, but he fails all the time. For example, he commits suicide in various ways such as letting a truck hit him on the road, electrocuting himself and jumping from a tall building. Moreover, he fails to get her love consistently. In this process, he realizes the importance of being together with other people and tries to start his endless day differently. Phil learns about several skills such as how to sculpt ice, speak French, play piano and memorizes the whole events in town to help people. Even though he lose his vitality to do the things, he find his precious moments with townspeople and become a new person in Punxsutawney.

  Phil's co-workers do not easily understand Phil's changes such as his characteristic and how he acts because they do no know how many of Phil's days had passed. If Phil did not come to Punxsutawney on Groundhog day, he could not be changed. However, time loop gave him a lot of chances to live over and over again. Will Phil ever look around his life truly when he does not come to Punxsutawney?

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