2016년 11월 7일 월요일

To solve the fine dust problem for a sustainable future

To solve the fine dust problem for a sustainable future

  People have to make a sustainable future because they have duties to protect the environment which they are living now. The government and individuals' much effort would be needed for this. Someone could think that there are no apparent results, even though they make an effort which is related to the environment. However, the impact of what they have worked to solve the environmental issues would spread over the world. In recent years, one of the big problems that is associated with nature in the Northeast Asia is fine dust and this issue is going to be addressed in detail. Additionally, fine dust which causes bad influences on environment and human can be solved by the government and people's endeavor.

  Before discussing about the things that people have to do for a sustainable future, an explanation of fine dust would be needed. Fine dust which is a major environmental issue in Northeast Asia comes in spring, fall, and winter in South Korea. Two-thirds of it is flowed by China's coal-burning power plants and nuclear power plants and one-third is caused by exhaust gas of the old cars. Also South Korea is suffering by China's yellow dust until now. The inflow of fine dust was started in 2014 after most of the plants were moved to Shandong that is located in eastern China and is close to South Korea. In addition, the problem of it is getting worse for years. It is similar as yellow dust but it is classified as a Category 1carcinogen which can cause lung cancer and could not be prevented general masks. Currently, the damage from fine dust problem is not obvious but the number of people who have diseases related with lung will increase for a few years because it contains heavy metals.

  Fine dust problem can be solved slowly by the effort of the government. The government should find the causes which destruct the environment and regulate these things for a sustainable future. There are many ways to protect the atmospheric environment and two examples which are proceeding in China to prevent the environmental damage in future. The Ministry of Environment in China found that the average concentration of fine dust in its country is more than 100. If it gets worse than any other day, it will go up over 800. Additionally, if it is in that figure, authorities would have to issue a fine dust warning. The average concentration of fine dust in South Korea is about 40 to 50 and the number goes up about 200 to 800 if yellow dust comes with fine dust. First example that China is doing for solving the problem is rainmaking plan which induces to rain artificially and wash fine dust in the air off. That way was started since 2008 and known as the best way to fix the issue. However, that plan would result disproportion of nature because it could cause the drought after the artificial rain. Another example is to set a large sprinkler on tall building which is located in big city. This way is similar as rainmaking but a sprinkler can be operated and clean dust whenever the concentration of fine dust is high. However, it is difficult to manage and keep it because each building needs big water tank and septic tank. There could be many difficulties to solve the fine dust issue by government but those examples can give good influence to South Korea and get better results someday.

  There are also two ways that individuals can do to solve the fine dust issue. The first way is to buy an electric car if it is supplied commonly in future. As mentioned earlier, exhaust gas from car gives bad impact to the environment. However, an electric car is charged with electric power and does not emit exhaust gas. Additionally, there is a good campaign in South Korea which gives a government subsidy to people who scrap an old car early. The purpose of it is to reduce an decrepit car and the cause of fine dust. Another way is tree planting. Even though trees cannot directly remove fine dust, the forest which is planted with a lot of trees could block it whenever it tries to pass. Therefore, this place become a purified space. Individuals can go to a mountain and plant trees with friends or families in Arbor Day. This way could not bring result quickly but it is important to do it for a sustainable future. 

  A lot of effort by the government and individuals for a sustainable future can bring a apparent outcome in someday. Because solving the environmental issue is urgent, people have to try more for future generations and their days. Moreover, they have to throw off indifferent attitudes. In these days, there are few countries which is suffering by fine dust but it is uncertain in the future that which nation would be attacked by fine dust. Therefore, everyone has to look for ways to solve and practice them. 


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