2016년 11월 21일 월요일

Salman Khan who is the innovator of education

Salman Khan who is the innovator of education

  Students can study with videos which are about school subjects in the 21st century if they can use internet. Online lectures which are similar as a distance learning is used by a lot of middle school and high school students in South Korea. They learn Korean, mathematics, English, social studies, and science from videos. In addition, students from South Korea can study free of charge by internet lectures of EBSi which provides videos at no cost. Teachers of online lectures are actually working in middle schools and high schools and some of them are famous for teaching students well in the education field. Students who are intelligent but don't have an ability to afford private education expenses which are more than 200,000 won study the college entrance exam and school tests by EBSi videos and finally enter a school which they wanted to go. There are some online lectures such as Etoos, Megastudy, and Skyedu in South Korea which have to be paid but they are cheaper than a private educational institute. Moreover, teachers of these videos are very popular. Therefore, many teenagers register for paid internet lectures because of good teachers and the benefit that they can watch lectures whenever they want. In South Korea, EBSi, Etoos, and Megastudy are well-known online lectures but all around the world, Khan Academy is the most popular non-governmental organization which provides online lectures for free. Salman Khan who founded this NGO is the teacher of the whole world and the innovator of education and gives hope to the students who could not receive expensive private education.

  Salman Khan who was born in U.S. had worked as a hedge fund analyst in Boston. And then one day in late 2003, he was asked to teach math to his nephew Nadia. Khan uploaded his math teaching videos in youtube because it was inconvient to come and go to her house. The name of youtube channel was Khan Academy and Nadia shared his videos with her friends and relatives. His videos was being popular to the students who had a hard time to understand math in their school. Moreover, Khan's online lecture would not disappear until he removes it, so students could watch the videos repeatedly and any time they want and have a choice to see the part of the lecture which they want. Therefore, his teaching helped them understand math which could be a difficult subject to some students. After getting famous throughout the United States, a lot of students and teachers asked questions and gave feedbacks to him and he made decisions to upload more online lectures to everyone. In 2009, Khan quit his job and focused on developing Khan Academy. In addition, he was chosen as the world's 100 most influential people in 2012.

  By founding Khan Academy, he brought the innvoation in the eductaional field and led new education. His contribution in education gave chances through online lectures to poor countries' children who wanted to study. Khan's videos are especially used to educate rural areas in South Africa and Southeast Asia. Because of his internet lectures, many children can get chances to study and they could have the dream for the future. Khan became a teacher of all over the world. Even though his original purpose was not teaching students all around the world, he gave hope to them. In addition, Khan Academy is sponsored by google, CEO of Netflix, and Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation. From their support, he provides a good educational online lectures to every student. The number of subcribers are over 30 million and teachers who use his videos are more than one million. Videos are translated by 36 languages which include Korean and the translation are contributed as talent donation by people around the world. Online lectures are mostly about math, science, and biology but nowadays Khan Academy provides videos which include history, music, humane studies, and economics. Moreover, Khan uses game in his videos to motivate students who don't have interest in studying. If students watch many online lectures, they can get scores as many as they see them. Starting with one math video, his contributions to the educational field spreaded out in the world.

  From Khan's videos, students who need more additional learning can study. Even though his online lectures are free of charge, the quality of viedos are great and students can get opportunities to study more and have chances to be interested in. Furthermore, students who could not understand school classes and are shy about giving questions can get helps from Khan's videos. Although school studying is not difficult, some students have hard times to understand it. Khan's online lectures make students be interested in learning because online lecture time is about 10 ~ 15 minutes for teenagers who cannot concentrate well in 40 minutes class and the atmosphere of video is not formal. His
internet lectures have change the way students are taught.

  Khan's contributions in the educational field can be the innovation in the 21st century and they can be a hope to children who wants to study. It could be nothing to some children who are taking private lessons. However, it could give help to students who are willing to study more but cannot afford private education expenses. Moreover, Khan provides his videos which also provide with joy to students who are not interested in learning school classes and let them know that studying is not boring. The innovation of education which Khan made is one of the great achievements in the world.

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